Sunday, 15 November 2009

White Bread: Why Is It Bad For You?

White Bread: Why Is It Bad For You?

This one item that has long been a constant at every body's breakfast tables, has earned quite a bad reputation over recent years.
We keep being told that white bread is bad for us, for your health; why exactly is this? What is it about white bread that is so bad for you?

Here are three of those reasons which will make you think again about the bread you choose to buy.

Refined flour

The process of refining wheat flour strips it of many of the nutrients and health giving properties that wheat naturally has.

The wheat germ and bran, which are the most nutritious part of the wheat grain, includes vitamins and minerals and these are removed when making refined flour. All that remains is starch and small quantity of protein.

This protein is not a good quality protein. The starch is converted into sugar and is stored in the body as fat. Refined flour provides what are sometimes known as empty calories, or calories without the goodness or nutritional value of wholesome food.

Low Fiber

Fiber is an essential for the healthy functioning of the human body and for the efficient working of the digestive system. In milling of refined flour, the fiber of the wheat grain is removed and what is left is not healthy.

Lack of sufficient fiber in the body also makes it difficult for the colon to evacuate the bowels of waste matter effectively, which can lead to irritable bowel syndrome and even cancer of the colon.

Digestive rates and the efficiency with which the food is digested slows down. There are also greater amounts of fat deposits and this increases how negatively eating white bread can impact health.


Have you ever wondered why that loaf of white bread is so white when the grain that it comes from is brown? Well the fact is that the flour that is used to make the bread is routinely bleached using chemicals, which results in the white color.

There are several potentially harmful bleaching agents used for this and among them is chloride oxide, which, when combined with whatever proteins are still left in the flour, produces alloxan. This is a poison and has been used to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. Chlorine oxide destroys the vital wheat germ oil which is another nutritive element destroyed.

For someone who has eaten white bread all their lives, the switch to whole grain bread (as against brown bread, which may simply have some caramel added for the color) may be a bit difficult, however you can soon get used to the change, and can also start to appreciate a healthier and tastier meal option.

Importance of Vitamin C

Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is really important to your family health if you want to boost your immune system especially now that Influenza A (H1N1) is threatening everybody�s health, better eat vitamin C-rich foods everyday. Vitamin C reduces blood pressure, has the ability to reduce the severity of colds and could protect you against cataract and certain cancers too.
Red and green bell peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, raw tomatoes, cantaloupe and broccoli are food that are rich in vitamin C. Garlic contains vitamin C too. On a book about health benefit of garlic, a professor of School Tropical Medicine from Calcutta, India revealed that vitamin C act like insulin in the body, it helps metabolize carbohydrates. Not only that, several researchers showed that vitamin C serves as great therapeutic measure in case of ulcers. Wow� what a revelation, right?
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Wednesday, 11 November 2009

What is Swine Flu?

What is swine flu?

Like people, pigs can get influenza (flu), but swine flu viruses aren't the same as human flu viruses. Swine flu doesn't often infect people, and the rare human cases that have occurred in the past have mainly affected people who had direct contact with pigs. But the current "swine flu" outbreak is different. It's caused by a new swine flu virus that has changed in ways that allow it to spread from person to person -- and it's happening among people who haven't had any contact with pigs.

That makes it a human flu virus. To distinguish it both from flu viruses that infect mainly pigs and from the seasonal influenza A H1N1 viruses that have been in circulation for many years, the CDC calls the virus "novel influenza A (H1N1) virus" and the World Health Organization calls it "pandemic (H1N1) 2009." The CDC calls swine flu illness "H1N1 flu" and the World Health

Transmission of Swine Flu (How is Swine Flu spread?)

As with other flu like illnesses, Swine flu is spread as follows:
Touching infected objects
Touching nose, mouth and or eyes with infected hands

Swine Flu Symptoms

Symptoms of Swine flu may including all or some of the following:
Muscle aches
Sore Throat
Runny Nose
Lack of appetite

Complications Of Swine Flu And Higher Risk Individuals

Those at higher risk include those with the following:
Age of 65 years or older
Chronic health problems (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease)
Pregnant Women
Young children

Complications (for all patients but especially for those at higher risk) can include:

Sinus infections
Ear infections

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Swine Flu

A respiratory sample collected within the first five days of illness will be collected.
The sample is sent to the CDC for laboratory analysis and confirmation. At this time the CDC is recommending the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) for treatment and/or prevention of Swine flu.

Prevention of Swine Flu

Covering nose and mouth with a tissue upon coughing and sneezing followed by proper disposal of the tissue.
Avoiding contact with ill persons.
Avoiding the urge to touch nose, mouth and eyes in general.
Staying home form work and/or school upon onset and for the duration of symptoms
Assuring adequate and thorough handwashing and use of alcohol based hand cleansers (in the absence of proper handwashing facilities).
Providing tissues in common areas of homes, common and public areas.
Encouraging pursuit of medical evaluation at earliest onset of symptoms.
Use of masks to those who are exhibiting symptoms or who are ill.
Maintenance of a 3 to 6 foot perimeter around a coughing patient. Calm analysis coupled with accurate and proper public education is the key to identifying, treating and minimizing a worldwide outbreak.

Natural remedy for H1N1

Ayurveda, the traditional 'science of life', has a remedy for diseases when every other stream of medicine fails. Now, at a time when swine flu is spreading like wildfire across the world, Ayurveda has the remedy in the form of the miraculous herb, the basil leaves commonly known as Tulsi.

The anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently.
Tulsi improves the body's overall defence mechanism including its ability to fight viral diseases. .
It was successfully used in combating Japanese Encephalitis and the same theory applies to swine flu," Dr U K Tiwari, a herbal medicine practitioner says.
Apart from acting as a preventive medicine in case of swine flu, Tulsi can help the patient recover faster.
Even when a person has already contracted swine flu, Tulsi can help in speeding up the recovery process and also help in strengthening the immune system of the body
Tulsi can control swine flu and it should be taken in fresh form. Juice or paste of at least 20-25 medium sized leaves should be consumed twice a day on an empty stomach.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Pimples -Tips from indian women

Pimples -Tips from indian women

1.apply paste of masar ki daal (orange colour) with water or milk. it really works..

2.Mix multanimitti and turmreic with rosewater,apply it on your face over 20mnts,wash it off with lukewarm water,and pat it dry,continue this treatment over 2 weeks,u can get an amazin result for ur pimples.

3.Apply pudhina powder with honey or rose water on your face then it stops pimples and black marks and removes oil from face and and keep your skill glow.

4.Apply erytop before u go to reduce our pimples and avoid dandruff using coconut oil mixed with kattarvazha(Aloe vera), henna leaves,etc

5.Its is a useful tip to get rid of pimples Boil neem leaves in water and make it cool And wash your face everyday pimples will get cured and make your face fresh.

6.mix sandal and multhanimatti with rosewater and apply in your face and then wash with cold water. do this process for 2days once.

7.Appy the paste of ripe Papaya and water all over the face for 15-20 mins. Let it dry. Wash off. This will reduce the pimples.

8.Mix honey and turmeric and apply to the face and wash after 30 min

9.after preparing tea ,there will be some teapowder remain in the boul apply it to the face and see immediate result.

10.wash your face with warm water, after that use katialis,jauli,floucinonide. and leave it all night.

11.Apply pudhina powder with honey or rose water on your face then it stops pimples and black marks and removes oil from face and and keep your skill glow.

12.make a paste of neem leaves then apply on our face.

13.Every night when your going to bed put sudacream on your spots pimples and blackheads in the morning they will be gone or reduced.

14.Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.

15.Crush garlic and take the juice and apply it on the face daily to reduce pimples.

16.Make a paste with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.

17.Put the kadalaima (Bengal gram Flour) and the curd and apply the face for 10 minutes and wash it.

18.Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face.

19.A mixture of crushed mint leaves and oats will reduce pimples. Leave this for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water.

20.Mix sandalwood powder, gram flour, few drops of honey and rose water. Apply this paste on face and massage for few minutes in upward direction. You can see good results in a week.



Recommend below are the secret recipe for healthy drinking

Carrot + Ginger + Apple = Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery = Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple = Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk = Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber = Improve skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon=To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi = To improves skin complexion.

Pear & Banana = To regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango = Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization!

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk = Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increases cell activity and Strengthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk = Rich in Vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation



Squeeze juice of an orange and mix with a tablespoon of plain yoghurt. Apply on face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off after 10 minutes and splash face with cold water.

Heat a cup of olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds. Massage onto dry areas of your skin.
Heat enough olive oil to fill half a small clothes basin. Soak your hands in the oil for about 10 minutes, followed by the feet.
Use it as a conditioner by leaving warmed olive oil on your hair for 15 minutes before shampoo.
Remove all traces of mascara by dipping an overused mascara wand into some olive oil and use it to apply on your lashes the way you would mascara.

For sparkling teeth, mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and half teaspoon of salt. Use like toothpaste � once a week.
Lighten the skin and smoothens rough edges of elbows and knees. Cut a lemon into two halves and rest your elbows in each half for 15 minutes. Or squeeze juice of lemon and apply on your knees.

Steep a pair of Earl Grey teabags in boiling water, run them under a tap and place over eyes for 10 minutes before night out.
Use four bags of chamomile tea. Leave them to steep for 5 minutes then hold your face over the bowl.
Freeze cooled chamomile tea in an ice-cube tray. When set, remove cubes and run over your face.
Soak some gauze in cooled green tea and apply on skin the way you would a toner.

Chop up a cucumber and drizzle a few drops of lemon juice in the mixture. Apply on your face.
Soothe tired eyes by cutting two rounds and place them on the eyelids.
Rub down hot skin with a mixture of chopped cucumber, olive oil and plain yoghurt.

Peel a tomato and chop it finely before spreading on face. Work as an effective cleanser and gentle astringent to tighten pores.

A great way to get rid of dark undereye circles. Run a large potato in a blender. Squeeze the pulp to get rid of excess juice and form two patties from it. Place the patties over your eyes and keep them there for 10 minutes.

Pound the kernel and add body lotion to blend into smooth paste. Use it as a gentle exfoliator for face. Note the pip is the rough �seed� and the ivory kernel is what you need when split open the pip.

Massage mayonnaise into your hair after shampoo. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinse off. You can also use mayonnaise as a lip mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes before removing with cold water.

Mash a ripe one and use it as a facial mask; rinse off after 10 minutes. To get rid of puffy eyes; use a linen cloth, make a �moneybag� filled with mashed avocado. Dab it gently on eyes.

Chop ginger and mix it with body lotion for a facial scrub. Avoid the sensitive eye area.

Soak a cotton pad with cool fresh milk and press it gently all over your face. Besides protein to feed your face, it gets rid of dirt thoroughly.
Chill a cup of milk in the fridge before pouring the contents into a clothes spray. Use it like a spritzer over inflamed skin.
Warm a bowl of milk in the microwave for half a minute and pour contents into a clothes basin. Soak your feet for half an hour and then give it a good hard brush to remove dead skin.

Mix two teaspoons of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey with just enough warm water to make a thick paste. Spread the mixture all over your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.

For a three-in-one pre-bath treatment; blend two tablespoons of brown sugar with one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and two to three drops of olive oil. Rub the paste over rough areas like the knees and elbows. Citric acid from the lemon unclogs the pores, skin-polishing sugar gets rid of surface dirt and olive oil moisture the skin.

Run about 10 unripe cherries in a blender. Mix the juice with a tablespoon of dry oatmeal and use as a five-minute facial mask.
For the body; mix cherry juice with a tablespoon of sea salt and massage over damp skin.

Dilute one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of water then heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds. When it�s cooled, apply on your lips and leave for 10 minutes.
To dry out pimples, pour out a teaspoon of honey into a bowl. Dip a cotton bud into the honey and apply on the spots.

For a temporary facelift, use just the eggwhite. Mix it with a tablespoon of honey and spread over face and throat in an upward motion. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Whisk egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil and leave on your hair for a few minutes before your shampoo. It makes a great hair conditioner.

Mash half a ripe papaya with two teaspoons of honey. Apply to areas of face that are prone to wrinkles such as between the brows and along the sides of the nose. Leave on it for 10 minutes.

Get Rid Of Your Acne Overnight

Get Rid Of Your Acne Overnight

There are several different commercial products available in the market to get rid of acne. Some of these commercial products provide the desired result but they are too much expensive. Some commercial products are cheap but they does not provide the desired result but even more damage your skin. If you are looking to get rid of your acne then you must learn this whole article. I will tell you how you can get rid of your acne overnight by just following three simple steps.

1 Face Scrub

There are lot of face scrubs available in the market. You must select a good quality face scrub. Apply this on your face, rinse it with warm water after 20 minutes and dry it. This will clear all the dirt absorbed in your skin surface. The more your skin absorb the dirt more will be the chances of acne spreading further.

2 Aloe Vera Gel

Your body needs to be hydrated properly. Water is essential for hydration, drink a lot of water through out the day to keep your body hydrated during night. Aloe Vera gel can be applied on the face for hydration. Rinse your face with warm water and apply Aloe Vera gel on your face. For best results apply this before you go to bed at night.

3 Green Tea

Last thing is you must drink a cup of green tea daily. Green tea has no side effects and it contains ingredients that will help your body to fight against infections that causes acne and other major skin diseases. Prepare some green tea add two or three drops of lemon juice in it and drink it. Try to drink green tea after the last meal of your day. But it is not mandatory to drink after the last meal you can have a cup of green tea any time of the day.

To get rid of your acne overnight you must follow above mentioned steps. You just need to look after yourself properly to get rid of your acne as your determination will be the first precaution towards your acne.

50 Secrets of the FITTEST

50 Secrets of the FITTEST

Can you keep a secret? Better yet, can you keep 50? Can you use these secrets to change your life and your body for the better? If you did nothing other than incorporate these secrets into your daily life, in a year's time they would amount to substantial change.
Here is what a fit person does

1.Always keep a water bottle and drink from it often. Water is the drink of choice, not soft drinks.
2.Look at exercise as a pleasure and privilege -- not a burden or chore
3.Think twice before deciding what to eat and why, making sure that it is healthy and will give the body good nutrition.
4.Measure intake based on activity, not how you "feel"; need mandates intake, not mood.
5.Take action to solve problems when things get emotional, instead of turning to food as a cure.
6.Start the day with a well-balanced meal.
7.Start each day with positive input from material that's listened to or read. This will help you to remain positive throughout the day.
8.Drink a minimum amount of caffeine only in the form of coffee or tea.
9.Make long-term goals and a plan of how to achieve them, leaving nothing to chance.
10.Focus on short-term goals with an emphasis on completing daily actions.
11.Live with a purpose. Wake up each day knowing what you are working toward: something "greater than" can be accomplished in a lifetime.
12.Keep a daily planner with the day's actions written down in order to keep track of what needs to be done, what has been done and what was not accomplished.
13.Review each day at the end of the day to set tomorrow's actions and plan.
14.Always make time for relaxing and rewards at scheduled times.
15.Never live an unhealthy life when on vacation.
16.See health as a privilege and not as something to take for granted.
17.Enjoy contributing to the health of others by having a partner or friends to exercise with, as well as recruiting others who desire to get fit.
18.Learn new ways and new techniques for exercising.
19.Avoid monotony by taking up new forms of exercising.
20.Subscribe to health magazines to keep focused on a healthy way of life.
21.Invest in workout clothes, good tennis shoes and other apparel.
22.Never take your health for granted by taking a day off from a healthy life.
23.Know when too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing.
24.Keep a sharp mind and a positive attitude with educational and motivational material.
25.Take time to count the many blessings that are present in life each day.
26.Realize that life and all things natural are a gift and should be taken care of and preserved for the health of all.
27.Brush off criticism and don't dwell on negative comments from others.
28.Attempt to bring calm and reasoning to a hostile or chaotic situation.
29.Respond to a challenge instead of reacting to what difficulties may be present.
30.Know that there is so much that is not known.
31.Understand that time is limited here on Earth.
32.Learn to live without regrets and know that life is the experiences that we choose.
33.Take daily vitamin and mineral supplements that support a healthy balance.
34.Value organization so as not to have "clutter" in your life.
35.Value good hygiene inside -- the mind and organs and muscles -- as well as on the outside: your skin, hair, and nails.
36.Seek natural methods of health care including massage, chiropractic and naturopathic in addition to medical care.
37.Take exercise to new levels.
38.Create a schedule for ultimate health and fitness.
39.Move beyond the boundaries of weight loss and into fitness.
40.Strive to reach your dreams everyday.
41.Live each day to its fullest.
42.Do not get into "wacky" diets and eating plans.
43.Live a balanced life -- exercise, work, family, and GOD.
44.Get adequate amounts of sleep.
45.Avoid medications and drugs of all sort unless absolutely necessary.
46.Limit alcohol intake only for special occasions.
47.Do what the average person doesn't want to do.
48.Exercise discipline by following a daily regimen.
49.Take a vacation by doing activities such as jet skiing, mountain biking, hiking in the outback or going to a getaway spa.
50.Know that life is fulfilling with optimal health in the mind, spirit and body!

Are any of these habits present in your life today? As you read them, did they seem too unrealistic to ever be part of your life? Trust me, in time they not only can be, they should be part of your life!




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